RS crespeinasee lech crespeina
RS crespeinasee lech crespeina

Lake Crespëina

The green Lake Crespëina is located in the Puez Group, near the Dolomites Alta Via high path no. 2

Along a hike on the Crespëina Highland towards the Crespëina Ridge and the Cir Peaks in the Val Gardena, the path proceeds past a beautiful mountain lake located at 2,374 m a.s.l. called Lake Crespëina. Around the lake in the Puez-Odle Nature Park the mountains of the Puez Group rise, as the mentioned Cir Peaks. The lake bottom is overgrown with seaweed what gives the green colour to the water – no fish live in it.

The lake is steeped in legend: in former times the lake was called Lech de Lietres what means “Lake of the ladders”. This goes back to the legend, that in the Puez-Odle Nature Park savages were living, who hid in the mountains using corded ladders. A South Tyrolean folklorist of the 20th century, Karl Felix Wolff, tells about it in his sagas.

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